Õe- ja abikutsesüsteem
Näitan 17–32 tulemust 36-st
Adresseeritav õekutse, Õe- ja abikutsesüsteem, TULEKAHJUSEADMED
C-TEC Quantec koridori infopaneel
C-TEC Quantec adresseeritava õekutse süsteemi korduspaneel koridori QT608C. Saadaval ka ilma kontrollnuppudeta versioon.A 16 character x 2 line display used to indicate incoming calls in corridors, staff rooms, nursing stations, etc.Includes an onboard sounder and buttons to accept, scroll through and manually divert calls. Shows call type, call location and (depending on the device used to make the call) the User ID or name of the person calling.Highest priority calls are shown first with a message saying how many calls are waiting.Flash and sounder rates intensify to reflect the urgency of incoming calls. Adjustable contrast and volume controls.External sounder connection.
SKU: QT608C -
Adresseeritav õekutse, Õe- ja abikutsesüsteem, TULEKAHJUSEADMED
C-TEC Quantec kutsenupp kaela
C-TEC Quantec kutsenupp kaelanööriga QT432Allows patients in bedrooms and communal areas to remotely trigger standard calls via a Quantec infrared call point, ceiling receiver or radio receiverAlleviates the need for long, potentially hazardous tail call leads.Supplied with an anti-ligature neck lanyard.10m line-of-sight IR transmitting range.Radio coverage dependent on the Quantec receiving device used.Powered by a user-replaceable 12V alkaline battery.Can be programmed with a unique User ID so staff can see who is calling using a QT423 configurator.Supplied with a sheet of coloured markable labels.
SKU: QT432 -
Adresseeritav õekutse, Õe- ja abikutsesüsteem, TULEKAHJUSEADMED
C-TEC Quantec kutsenupp randmele
C-TEC Quantec juhtmevaba kutsenupp randmele QT432WAllows patients in bedrooms and communal areas to remotely trigger standard calls via a Quantec infrared call point, ceiling receiver or radio receiverSupplied on an adjustable wrist strap alleviating the need for long and potentially hazardous tail call leads.10m line-of-sight IR transmitting range.Radio coverage dependent on the Quantec receiving device used.Powered by a user-replaceable 12V alkaline battery.Can be programmed with a unique User ID so staff can see who is calling using a QT423 configurator.Supplied with a sheet of coloured markable labels.
SKU: QT432W -
Adresseeritav õekutse, Õe- ja abikutsesüsteem, TULEKAHJUSEADMED
C-TEC Quantec kutsenupp taastamisega
C-TEC Quantec õekutse süsteemi kutsenupp resetnupuga seinale QT609A programmable Quantec addressable call point.Includes a Call button, Reset button and red/green confidence light.Can make up to 5 levels of call – Standard, Ensuite, Help Required, Emergency, Presence & Attendance (dependent on configuration and ancillary devices used). Attack and Attendance calls can also be made if connected to compatible slave infrared receiver.Can be programmed to operate in a multitude of ways using a QT423 configurator.Connections provided for additional slave devices such as ceiling pulls, overdoor lights, slave infrared receivers and more.QT609M magnetic reset version also available.
SKU: QT609 -
Adresseeritav õekutse, Õe- ja abikutsesüsteem, TULEKAHJUSEADMED
C-TEC Quantec kutsenupp vööle
C-TEC Quantec juhtmevaba kutsenupp vööle QT412RXAAllows staff working in high-risk environments to remotely trigger an Attack call via a Quantec infrared call point, ceiling receiver or radio receiverCan also be used on 800 Series call systems to trigger Standard and Emergency calls via an 800 Series infrared receiving device.10m line-of-sight IR transmitting range.Radio coverage dependent on the Quantec receiving device used.Includes a Karabiner clip for attaching to staff uniforms.Calls are triggered by pulling the transmitter’s retaining clip or activating one of its two buttons.Can be recharged using a QT424/1 single-way or QT424/10 ten-way charging unit.Can be programmed to generate different call levels using a QT423 configurator.Transmitters used on Quantec systems can also be programmed to include a unique User ID/name.
Adresseeritav õekutse, Õe- ja abikutsesüsteem, TULEKAHJUSEADMED
C-TEC Quantec kutsenuppude laadija
C-TEC Quantec juhtmevabade QT412 seeria kutsenuppude laadijaA ten-way plugtop charger designed for use with Quantec’s QT412 range of IR/RF transmitters.Can simultaneously charge up to ten transmitters.Connects to a standard 13A mains socket using the standard IEC lead suppliedCan be wall or desk mounted to suit the transmitter storage/charging requirements of a particular site.Fully recharged transmitters can be left connected to the charger with no detrimental effect.14 hour typical charging time (full cycle). Indicators confirm when charging is complete.10-way version also available (order code QT424/10).
SKU: QT424/10 -
Adresseeritav õekutse, Õe- ja abikutsesüsteem, TULEKAHJUSEADMED
C-TEC Quantec programmaator
C-TEC Quantec adresseeritava õekutse seadmete programmaator QT423.Allows compatible Quantec call points, sounders, infrared transmitters and universal interface devices to be individually programmed to suit the requirements of individual sites. Compatible with the following devices: QT412RXA, QT412RXCA, QT432, QT611, QT612, QT613, QT688/2, QT602, QT609 and QT302RX.Can also be used to program infrared transmitters used on an 800 Series call system.Intuitive and easy-to-use with comprehensive Help files.Requires a PC running Windows XP, Vista, 7 or 8.Includes a Configurator, software CD, mini-USB to standard-USB connection lead and a 1.3mm to 1.3mm connection lead c/w adaptor.Free software updates available via our Software Page
SKU: QT423 -
Adresseeritav õekutse, Õe- ja abikutsesüsteem, TULEKAHJUSEADMED
C-TEC Quantec raadioseadmete vastuvõtjaf
Adresseeritav õekutse, Õe- ja abikutsesüsteem, TULEKAHJUSEADMEDC-TEC Quantec raadioseadmete vastuvõtjaf
C-TEC Quantec raadioseadmete vastuvõtja QT422RXDesigned for use with Quantec’s QT412 & QT432 range of infrared/radio transmitters and pendants.Operates at radio frequency (RF) 868.3 MHz,Allows standard, help required, emergency and/or attack calls to be generated from external areas such as car parks, loading bays, etc.Typical RF coverage is 60m (depending on physical conditions & environmental factors).Optional external extension aerial (QT422RXEX) can increase coverage to up to 90m.Test Mode allows localised transmitter/receiver testing.Optional QT421 RF Integrity Transmitter can be used to send regular test transmissions to the Receiver to ensure it is operational (a fault is flagged if a transmission is not received).Can be configured to receive calls from certain transmitters only via an RF grouping facility.
SKU: QT422RX -
Adresseeritav õekutse, Õe- ja abikutsesüsteem, TULEKAHJUSEADMED
C-TEC Quantec sisend/väljundmoodul
C-TEC Quantec sisend/väljundmoodul läbi mille on võimalik ühendada kolmandaid olemasolevaid konventsionaalseid õekutsesüsteemide seadmeid.Part No. QT611Allows third-party switch assemblies and indicators to be interfaced to Quantec for use as call points, monitoring points, day/night switches and more.Can be programmed to operate in a multitude of ways using a QT432 Quantec Configurator.Measures just 56mm square x 10mm deep.Helps facilitate compliance with HTM-08-03.
SKU: QT611 -
Adresseeritav õekutse, Õe- ja abikutsesüsteem, TULEKAHJUSEADMED
C-TEC Quantec testsignaali saatja
C-TEC Quantec testsignaali saatja QT421 he QT421 Monitored RF Integrity Transmitter is intended for use with Quantec’s QT422RX Radio Receivers.Helps ensure RF integrity and site coverage at all times by sending a periodic RF test transmission to Receivers with the same RF group address.Flags a fault at the Quantec Controller if a transmission is not received.Typically located at strategic points on the installation – we recommend at least one RF Integrity Transmitter is used per Radio Receiver.Mountable on a 25mm UK single gang back box.Takes its power from the Quantec network but is not an addressable device as it is monitored by the radio receiver(s) it is set to work with.
SKU: QT421 -
Adresseeritav õekutse, Õe- ja abikutsesüsteem, TULEKAHJUSEADMED
C-TEC Quantec võrgu jagur
C-TEC Quantec adresseeritava õekutse süsteemi liini võrgu jagur QT603An essential wiring/installation aid for C-TEC’s Quantec Addressable Call System.Helps protect against open and short circuit faults and reduces the risk of volt drop.Includes one input and one output connection for Quantec’s ‘Spine’ wiring (typically 1.5-2.5mm T&E) and six fused 400mA ‘limb’ connections for the wiring of individual circuits containing Quantec’s field devices (typically 4 core stranded security cable).At least one QT603 is required per Quantec system (the more you use, the easier it will be to program and fault-find).Install one QT603 per corridor junction (locate at the end of the corridor nearest to the Quantec Controller). If the corridor is longer than 50m, install the splitter in the centre of the corridor to reduce wiring runs.Mounts on a standard 25mm UK double gang back box.’Power’ and ‘Fault’ indicators.Max. 60 addressable devices per QT603.Quantec utilises a unique data protocol that works down two wires and a maximum of 255 addressable devices can be connected to a Quantec Controller (dependent on network topology).Addressable devices require 2 network connections. Slave devices such as slave ceiling pulls and slave overdoor lights connect to Quantec via a master call point, master ceiling receiver, monitoring point or universal programming device using 2, 3 or 4 cores of stranded security cable.Wiring must be made in a ‘Spine’ and ‘Limb’ configuration using one or more QT603 network splitters. This allows the use of ordinary unscreened cable which simplifies installation, fault-finding and commissioning.SPINE WIRINGWire Spines in 1.5mm2 or 2.5mm2 T&EFor a typically loaded system, the following spine lengths apply:• Max. length for a single spine using 1.5 mm2 cable = 150 m• Max. length for a single spine using 2.5 mm2 cable = 250 m• Max. length of all spines + limbs = 750 m.• DO NOT wire any devices to the spine other than network splitters.LIMB WIRINGWire Limbs in a minimum of 4 core cable (7/0.2 mm2 strand) twisted into one pair to reduce voltage drop.No. of Limbs per Splitter = 6; Max. length per limb = 60 metres.Max. number of addressable devices per limb = 15;Max. number of addressable devices per Splitter = 60.If possible, distribute devices at equal distances along the length of the limb.The Quantec Controller can be located anywhere on the network, although it is normal practice to install it centrally to reduce wiring runs, ideally in a manager or supervisor’s office. Distribute Splitters evenly throughout the site and locate at an accessible height.
SKU: QT603 -
Konventsionaalne õekutse, Õe- ja abikutsesüsteem, TULEKAHJUSEADMED
C-TEC resetnupuga kutsepaneel
- Kutse/resetnupu paneel millega saab teha tava kutseid C-TEC 800 seeria kutsesüsteemides.
- Kaasas on 6.35mm kaabel lisaseadmega ühendamiseks, survematiga või mõne muu kutseseadmega.
- Punane LED koos hajutajaga valgustavad terve toa kinnitamiseks, et kutse on edastatud.
- Resetnupp tühistab kõik tavakutsed mis tehtud samas tsoonis.
- Tehniline spetsifikatsioon
SKU: NC802DB -
Konventsionaalne õekutse, Õe- ja abikutsesüsteem, TULEKAHJUSEADMED
C-TEC toiteplokk õekutse keskusele
Konventsionaalne õekutse, Õe- ja abikutsesüsteem, TULEKAHJUSEADMEDC-TEC toiteplokk õekutse keskusele
C-TEC NC930 12VDC 250mA toiteplokk õekutsekeskustele A compact 12V 250mA double gang power supply unit.Can provide power to up two NC944 Four Zone Call Controllers.Suitable for use in many other applications.Includes a green power on indicatorOptional NC941B 12V 0.3Ahr battery back-up kit also available to ensure the NC930 remains operational in the event of Mains failure.Mounts on a standard UK 25mm double gang flush or surface back box.230V 50/60Hz (36mA max. current). 50Hz frequency.+Ve and -Ve out; Batt + and Batt – (for connection to an optional remote NC941B battery back up kit).Optional NC941B 12V 0.3Ahr battery back up kit available.EN 50130-4:2011+A1:2014
SKU: NC930